Monday, May 10, 2010

**Scariest Deep Sea Monsters...!

..where the hell they were from? its a deep sea monster...when we dive into the sea..we swim happily without worried ..if we were bitten or eaten by sea monster - because they do exist! somewhere...see more monsters!

The Biggest Crab in Britain...

image copyright remain to the respective owner
This biggest crab in Britain is huge- and still growing--- they call her -Crabzilla.
Crabzilla- about 10ft from claw to claw and continuing to grow. It is captured by fishermen in the waters of Pacific Ocean and it hasn’t been eaten until now because crabs are considered as one of the most expensive food. you can see this crab in National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham where this huge monstrous crab is more

Sunday, May 9, 2010

*12 Miraculous Paintings!

whether its done manually or digitally - the artist had done their works miraculously! see more by yourself!

*20 Superb nice Wallpapers Of 2010

list of 20 most awesome 2010 wallpaper! - see more...

*20 Beautiful Body Paintings

look at these beautiful artwork! they paint on human body! its beyond normal artist creativity - they are crazy! its a new MIXED media art? See more...

World’s Most Bizarre Collections

This is about crazy people with their weird interests. They love to collect - they collect what they like soo much! Just take a look at their collections! may be they could inspiired you to start collecting! - Take a look more...


with soo many photo manipulations software - you can manipulate images-picture to be what you see in your dreams! see more what do creative people- whats inside their head - what they dream! Only space is the limits - SEE more....